Tag: oooexplorers

Lyssa & Matt

24 Hours in eSwatini

eSwatini? You may know it as Swaziland, a tiny little African country set in the north eastern side of South Africa. Swaziland was still its name when we visited (so it’ll be still used in this blog), but in 2018 the King decided that a new name was needed and so eSwatini was born. Just …

Lyssa & Matt

Cuba Libre – Part I, Havana

A bit of a travel back in time for our blog posts to 2012 when summers were longer, budgets smaller and our taste for adventure just as hungry as today and we ventured into the unknown of Cuba.  Although in a time-warp for decades, Cuba has seen a big transformation over the past few years, …

Lyssa & Matt

Slovenia – in search of Dragons

Sandwiched between the Alps and the Adriatic, Slovenia is a charming country that will astonish you with its mountainous outdoors and its subterranean indoors. We visited in June, when the temperatures are warm but you may still need a rain coat or umbrella to get through the occasional summer storm. Getting there and around Centred …